Dostihové závodiště Pardubice

Indian SHOW

Kdy & kde

16:30 - 16:45 Stage 1
11:30 - 11:45 Stage 1

Friends Fest is about American culture and it is clear that without the Indians it would not be possible. Come and see the village of North American native people and learn their customs and traditional crafts. The performers will show you authentic costumes, tee-pee, tools, and weapons. So you can try, for example, shooting with an Indian bow or throwing tomahawk.

An unforgettable experience is also the traditional performance of the band NIGHT CROW. When you see the famous prairie chicken dance, you will have to try it at home! Your children will also have so much fun with games and dances prepared by "our indians".

Indian Show at http://indianshow.webnode.cz/o-nas/